Of the 88 Legendary and Mythical Pokemon that have been made available throughout the mainline series of games, 63 have been available in Pokemon GO for players to catch, battle, and show off. Of those 63, an even smaller number have been given forms in the popular mobile game for those who like to do some shiny hunting. It’s important to note which Legendaries and Mythicals have received Pokemon GO shiny forms thus far so that players can look forward to which ones may be getting special shiny releases in the future

Shiny hunting tends to be one of the most complicated tasks a trainer can do, with many only having a handful of shinies that they stumbled across on accident. Pokemon GO gives players the advantage of being able to see the Pokemon in the overworld, which can eliminate some of the guesswork of running through tall grass hoping to find a shiny that was required in past main-series titles. Adding raid battles to the mix can make catching things like shiny Moltres that much more complicated in Pokemon GO, and oftentimes only the luckiest or most determined players can acquire one. It’s not impossible, though, so it’s good to know which Legendary and Mythical shinies may be coming next.

The Missing Shinies in Pokemon GO

shiny galarian zapdos pokemon sword and shield

Galarian Bird Trio: The Legendary Bird Trio from the first generation have all received shinies in their main forms, but the Galarian variations still have no shinies that have been available to catch. The Galarian Bird Trio is notoriously hard to catch in Pokemon GO so shiny hunting them will likely be a nightmare whenever they arrive.

Armored Mewtwo: While shiny Mewtwo and shiny Mew have both been available in Pokemon GO, the variation of Armored Mewtwo has yet to get a shiny form, despite being available in multiple raid events in the past.

Shaymin: Shaymin, in both its Land and Sky forms, has been available through various Pokemon GO Fest research events, but the Sinnoh Mythical Pokemon doesn’t come in a shiny form if the research is completed.